Fashion Revolution Week 2021
At Fashion Revolution, we believe we need a radical shift in our relationships – our relationships with each other, with our clothes, within fashion supply chains and with the natural world. We need this revolution for our own prosperity and wellbeing, and for the health of our earth and our oceans. And it’s already starting to happen. Covid-19 has prompted growing numbers of people to reassess what’s meaningful in their lives. We have begun to reimagine the values at the essence of a new fashion system and explore new relationships with our clothing.
We have organized the Fashion Revolution kampányhét (FRW) (Fashion Revolution Week) in order to spread these thoughts!
Our programs (mostly Hungarian spoken):
19th April – 11.00 – #WhoMadeMyFabric – MeetUp with Experts – ENGLISH –
20th April – 9.00 – 11.00 – Divatosan a környezetért! KEREKASZTAL beszélgetés –
20th April – 19.00 GreenTalk#2 – A divatipar és a Fashion Revolution
21st April – 17:00 – Te vagy a változás! You are the change! –
23rd April – 14:00 – 14:30 – Színem szerint – Fenntartható ruhatár –
23rd April – 15:30 – XVI. KEN: Vajon Nyitra megye Zero Waste régióvá válhat? – Körforgásos gazdaság,fenntartható régiók –
Please follow the news on the FR website: and on Fashion Revolution Hungary website:
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